2020 Taking The Reins Conference

A conference for those taking on Leadership Roles in Boarding Communities - 2020

Venue: Bond University, Gold Coast


Saturday February 29:

8.30am    Morning coffee 

9:00am    Welcome and Orientation - Who are we and what are we here for? Tell us about your leadership journey to date.

10.00am    Three Years in - What I've learnt in relation to staffing, child protection and other contentious issues - Adrian Byrne - slides

11:00am    Morning Tea

11:30am    Managing Your Staff - Jane Shone - slides

12:30pm    Lunch

1.15pm    How to be Strategic in Boarding - Tony Watt - slides

2:15pm    Building a Strong Boarding Community - Liz Langdon - slides

3:15pm    Five Things I Wish I Knew - Jaye Beutel - slides

4:15pm    Afternoon tea 

4:30pm    Dealing with Difficult Situations and Managing a Crisis - Pauline Turner and Kate Kovacs - slides

5:30pm    Day concludes

6:30pm for 7pm    Dinner together


Sunday March 1:

9.00am    Morning coffee

9:30am    Academic Support - a Different Perspective - Hayden McEvoy - slides

10:30am    Morning Tea

11:00am    Using Gappies Effectively - Carl Palmer - slides

11:45am    The Boarding Standard - How ABSA can help you - slides

1.00pm    Conclusion and lunch