Boarding School Parents
All boarding schools aim to promote the wellbeing of their boarders so that they can achieve both academic and personal success and fulfil their ultimate potential.
We have over 200 boarding schools in Australia to choose from, including those which specialise in activities, academic studies and performing arts, so the choice is wide and varied. Here at the Australian Boarding Schools Association we wish you and your family all the very best as you begin to consider boarding.
This journey, while amazing and beneficial, can be highly emotional and difficult to navigate. So we hope to provide you with useful resources below that may assist you with your journey.
If you are interested in browsing our boarding schools please visit our Find-a-School Section of our website by clicking here.
How does ABSA support Boarding Schools?
The Australian Boarding Schools’ Association (ABSA), as the leading authority in Australia on boarding for school-aged children, promotes the interests and well-being of boarders, boarding staff, boarding parents and boarding institutions in Australia. It is an umbrella organisation which fosters collegiality and professionalism at a regional, state and federal level. ABSA continues to advance the profile of boarding and best practice in boarding and facilitates communication on boarding matters between schools, hostels, educational bodies and governments both in Australia and internationally.
National Standards for Australian Boarding Schools
In 2013, with over 95% of Australian boarding schools as members, ABSA was uniquely well positioned to draw upon the expertise necessary to determine appropriate boarding standards for Australian schools. Over a three year period working in conjunction with Standards Australia, the Boarding Standard for Australian Schools and Residences was written.
What the Australian Standard offers is an evaluative instrument that brings together the best State and Territory school boarding standards found throughout Australia and from boarding schools internationally. Most importantly, the Australian Standard represents the collective wisdom from a large number of experienced boarding staff and administrators.
In an industry wearied by regulation and reporting requirements, the visiting of yet more standards on a school is unlikely to be welcomed. The concept of standards can be unsettling. The very word reeks of stern governance, intrusive measurement and punitive measures. However, ABSA does not resile from mandating the Australian Boarding Standard. The professionalism of the Australian school boarding industry rests on uniformly high standards of residential care. The Australian Boarding Standard is also relevant to boarding hostels that service school-aged children.
ABSA has developed a self-assessment system in conjunction with the Intelligent Outcomes Group. This is a three year process, preparing schools for certification against the Standard (which is currently being developed).
To read more click here.
ABSA Training Academy for Boarding Staff
The ABSA Training Academy brings together professional development opportunities for all staff working in boarding and is designed to provide a clear pathway to ensure the highest standards in the boarding sector. It is modelled on the BSA Training Academy in the United Kingdom.
Academy training may be accessed in person, at a workshop or seminar, on-line through a webinar or conference or though an accredited training course. Entry-level training is available through the online Induction course and the Duty of Care Certificate Course, either in workshop format or self-paced workbooks. Further training is available online via our webinar programme or through our online learning platform.
We promote all of our boarding schools to have well trained professional staff who are able to care for your child.
To read more about our training opportunities please click here.
Key Resources and Support Organisations
ABSA has a range of supportive and important relationships with organisations that support our boarding school parents. Further information and resources can be found below.
Isolated Children's Parents' Association
The Isolated Children’s Parents’ Association of Australia had its beginning in the NSW outback town of Bourke, in April 1971. Families were struggling with drought and the consequences of such an event, and most importantly, the effects of the drought on the education of their children. The late Mrs Pat Edgley, MBE, called a meeting to save the Bourke Hostel, which serviced families in the outlying district, from closure. Out of this has grown an amazing organisation, with branches of ICPA springing up all over Australia, and eventually its national overarching body – ICPA (Aust). In its years as a volunteer organisation, ICPA has achieved much for families and children who are isolated from education. ICPA will continue to strive for equity of access to an appropriate education for these children.
For more information and assistance visit:
A Team Tuition - Transforming all Boarders into 'A' Students
A Team Tuition are here to support your boarders, not only academically but to stay focused, motivated and excited by learning. They are here to provide additional study support, when you can’t be there.
Click Here to Download the Lets Talk About Boarding Brochure for Parents
Please note if you require individual information about boarding school, check the Find A School section of this website or contact the school directly. If you need any further information about boarding in general or about ABSA, please contact our office.